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Maria Imperato

The Truth About Macronutrients and How They can change Your Life

Myths about macronutrients are everywhere. and there’s a good chance you’ve gotten some incorrect information on this important health tool. As an online health and fitness coach, I want to bust some of these macros myths for you. I’ve been there, done that, when it comes to “eating clean” and working out for hours a day. I’ve learned what is and is not sustainable. It’s not giving up pizza and wine forever, or killing yourself in the gym to burn more calories. Being fit and healthy is not always easy but its simple. Macros is a great tool to help bring balance and freedom to your health experience.

I’m not going to tell you that you HAVE to do something a particular way, either. I’m here to educate you and give you the most accurate information regarding macros. Ultimately, YOU get to decide If macro tracking is the best option for your health and wellness goals. If you would like to incorporate it into your life its your choice. But if you're finding yourself back to the drawing board after every restrictive diet. I can't say I'm surprised by that.

If you’re new to macronutrients, check out this blog on the basics.

Hopefully some interest sparked but there may be some concerns that you have. So I want to address the ones that I have heard. Coming from an extremely toxic relationship with food. If you're nervous about making it worse I hear you. This helped me and i believe it can help anyone. But if you have major reservations about it please reach out to an eating disorder specialist. And of course feel free to reach out to me.

But here are some statements that have been made about macros. Hopefully these help you get a better understanding of this tool.

“It's so rigid, just another diet.” I could see why you would think this because there are guidelines. Guidelines on how much carbs, fat and protein you should be eating. Something I try to explain is no class in high school ever taught us about how to properly fuel ourselves. MAYBE some basics but nothing I can recall. Taxes and health should be addressed a little more in school but I'll save that topic for another time. But tracking macros is a way to understand what your body needs. How could we just know that with no one teaching it to us? Thats what I'm here for. It's more customized than anything else I've seen. It's based on your activity level, current and goal body weight. There is always an adjustment you can make based on your preferences too. But how are you supposed to know how much protein or carbs or fat to eat if no one taught you? And those are in everything you eat so it would only make sense that you need a certain amount. I wouldn't say its a traditional diet because there's nothing you need to cut out. Just add in to bring balance to your meals which will result in optimal health, energy and results.

Also I guess I can't really say it's not rigid because your opinion of rigid and mine can be different. But in order to learn what your body needs it will take some effort. But this effort can help you get more in tune with your body and help you better understand what you need.

“Macro tracking is time consuming.” Macro tracking takes effort. Just like if you want to learn about your field of work. Or if you want to get better at an instrument. Of course it's going to take time to learn something new. It will take more time in the beginning to learn. But if you want to get specific results you'll have to be specific so this could take time. But you can get better at it for sure. A day used to take me 20 minutes to track, now closer to 5. Apps can record typical meals for you so it's easier to add the next time. You can copy one day to the next. Also how much time do you spend on instagram? Maybe take a little less time on instagram and that can be your tracking time.

“I can't stick to that forever.” What a daunting idea the thought of doing it forever. But one things that I like about tracking macros is that it teaches you. It's teaching you portions and balance and what foods work well for you with others. So it's a great tool when you need it. Let's say you are trying to lose weight so you track macros. You lose the 20 pounds you wanted to lose so you stop tracking for a little while and maintain the weight loss. But let's say then it starts to creep back up again. You can then track for a few days to see where you're struggling. Maybe you've been slacking in the protein department. Now you can track for a little while to get yourself back into a good routine and then come off again. It is a great tool. Not ball and chain.

“It wont work for me.” Something I have realized is that people want the easy way out. And they don't believe in themselves. We all want results, today. But some things take time. Especially if you're someone who has been dieting their whole life. This is a different way of thinking. If you want to lose weight and have it stay off then you want to do it this way. I have seen people of all different ages and issues lose a lot of weight by taking the time to learn what their body needed.

Those are barriers that I felt needed to be broken and that some people bring up when hesitant to start. Tracking macros is a tool that everyone could benefit from. Nutrition is so important when wanting to lose weight, get stronger or really any physical goal you have. No gym program can out weigh good nutrition.

This is the app I use to track mine. Download it here. can't recommend it enough! What do you have to lose? If you have any other macro questions please post them in the MIFIT facebook group. Join the group here.

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